SYMAS stands as a pivotal international event in Poland, focused on showcasing cutting-edge technologies in the processing, handling, transporting, storing, sorting, filtering, separating, grinding, and packaging of powders and bulk materials. Held annually in Kraków, SYMAS merges two critical industrial sectors under one roof—offering comprehensive solutions for manufacturing efficiency and plant maintenance.
SYMAS serves as a global gathering point for experts and professionals specializing in the transportation and logistics of bulk materials. With its central location in Kraków, this event provides a prime opportunity for industry stakeholders worldwide to come together, exchange insights, and explore the latest advancements in their field.
Participants at SYMAS can look forward to an array of enriching activities designed to foster knowledge sharing and professional growth. Engaging seminars, interactive workshops, and insightful panel discussions will delve into key topics shaping the future of bulk materials handling and maintenance strategies.
Exhibitors at SYMAS span a diverse spectrum, including transportation firms, logistics providers, manufacturers, and service suppliers. They will showcase state-of-the-art products, technologies, and services, offering attendees a firsthand look at innovations driving efficiency and sustainability in industrial operations.
SYMAS isn't just a trade fair—it's a catalyst for industry advancement. By facilitating dialogue among industry leaders, fostering innovation, and promoting best practices, SYMAS empowers professionals to stay ahead in a competitive global market. Attendees will leave SYMAS equipped with actionable insights and new connections that propel their businesses forward.
Whether you're looking to explore groundbreaking technologies, forge strategic partnerships, or expand your professional network, SYMAS promises to deliver. Don't miss your chance to be part of this dynamic event shaping the future of bulk materials handling and maintenance solutions. Mark your calendars and join us in Kraków for SYMAS —an event that defines excellence in industrial innovation and efficiency.


随着Expo Logisti-K准备在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯费尔普雷迪奥的La Rural占据中心舞台,为身临其境的物流创新之旅做好准备。这个国际展览将彻底改变我们看待物流、供应链管理和信息流的方式,为行业专业人士提供一个探索尖端设备、技术和解决方案的动态平台。
作为两年一次的盛会,Expo Logisti-K已牢固地确立了自己作为物流和供应链行业必不可少的聚会的地位,吸引了来自外贸、工业、批发和零售贸易、配送和仓储中心等不同领域的23,000多名专业人士。今年的版本有望将行业话语提升到新的高度,展示在全球范围内重塑物流格局的最新进展和创新。
Expo Logisti-K的参展商将有无与伦比的机会向不同的国际观众展示他们的产品和服务。从数据采集器和条形码打印机到先进的软件解决方案和射频识别技术,参展商将展示全方位的物流能力,为与会者提供对该行业未来的宝贵见解。
但是,Expo Logisti-K '不仅仅是一个展览,它是一个知识交流、协作和网络的中心。与会者将有机会参加互动活动、研讨会、研讨会和演讲,从行业专家那里获得宝贵的见解,并与志同道合的专业人士建立有意义的联系。
Expo Logisti-K'位于充满活力的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯市,为让自己沉浸在物流行业的脉搏中提供了一个难得的机会。该活动位于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 C1425BAA Capital Federal Juncal 4431 的中心位置,为企业展示其产品和与来自世界各地的潜在合作伙伴和客户建立联系提供了一个便捷且易于访问的平台。千@@
万不要错过这个成为未来物流一部分的无与伦比的机会。加入我们 Expo Logisti-K ',在充满活力的物流和物料搬运世界中站在创新、协作和成功的最前沿

。从存储系统到包装设备,Logis-Tech Tokyo为参观者提供了一个全面的平台,让他们深入研究塑造物流未来的关键领域。主要部分专门介绍存储和设备系统、分拣和收集系统、运输系统、工业车辆、特种卡车等,与会者将有机会亲眼目睹颠覆材料处理和运输方式的尖端技术
。LTT 不仅仅是一个展览,它是一种身临其境的体验,将行业领导者、创新者和发烧友聚集在一个屋檐下。主要由物料搬运、物流和相关公司组成的参展商展示了他们的最新产品,为行业的未来提供了见解。